Since beginning of Islamic Revolution of 1979, Christian missionary organizations have been banned in Iran. Because of political and religious persecution, open evangelism and worship meetings are dangerous. Believers must be aware of whom they trust. All who are caught face imprisonment or death.
Iran for Christ Ministries has been given the opportunity to change Iran through Internet church. Online Gatherings to worship God, Bible Studies and to learn more of Jesus’ love have to be inconspicuous, careful, clandestine and very “underground.”
Iran for Christ Ministries has a significant part in the planting and supporting of the underground house churches in Iran. We have a weekly Skype church where a house church meeting is modeled through a live program.
Many house churches have been started by people watching the program and using it as a model to start their own. We are also involved in training house church leaders in Iran and Europe in various ways such as broadcasting video series on leadership, providing leadership resources on our website, and training leaders through our online classes.
In order to engage with someone you must first develop a personal relationship and share your own testimony with them.
This cannot be done solely through TV broadcasting and the Internet especially in an Eastern culture where it is key to develop trust and invest quality time with people. It takes a personal relationship and mentoring to help a new believer grow into an empowered disciple.